Contact Byhishands Persian Cattery
To process your inquiry, please give your name, location, cattery name if any, and a brief explanation of your intent and interest. If you have a website, please do send us the url so we too can have a tour. Ask about Byhishands available Persian kittens or available Persian adult cats. We sometimes have young retired adults for adoption.
If you have any questions regarding CFA, Persian cat exhibition, Persian cat groups and lists, new exhibitor mentorship, how to show, Persian genetics, or simply need advice, do not hesitate to email us. We are not licensed to give medical recommendations. We do not entertain complaints against other breeders. When you contact us, please check your information for accuracy before sending. Thanks for your interest in Byhishands Persian Cattery.
Please fill out the form below. Click "Submit" to send. We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible!
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